MLA: Covid keyboard theorists should knock of the Nazi comparisons

Adolf Hitler at a rally in 1928Adolf Hitler at a rally in 1928
Adolf Hitler at a rally in 1928
A unionist MLA has said that the frequent comparisons made between the UK’s anti-Covid regulations and Adolf Hitler’s regime should stop.

UUP MLA Alan Chambers made the comments on Monday as part of the debate on Covid passports in the Stormont Assembly.

During the debate many MLAs referred to what they described as “conspiracy theories” about the virus; one, Rachel Woods of the Green Party said a local business in her constituency had been accused online of “communism” for taking part in the virus control measures.

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And Dr Anne McCloskey, a qualified medical doctor who is an outspoken opponent of what she sees as over-the-top government control, has invoked the spectre of Nazism to support her arguments too.

Mr Chambers, who favours vaccine passports, said: “It goes without saying that the regulations before us are not a forever piece of legislation.

“They are just another building block in the wall that we want to keep between the general public and the Covid virus, be it the delta or the new omicron variant.

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“I received a number of ill-informed emails, mostly of the copy-and-paste variety, which quoted all sorts of fanciful figures and theories.

“A few described the virus as being an attempt by China to take over the democratic world by stealth.

Others threw in the comment that this regulation would take us into a Nazi-style regime.

“If the authors of comments like that had lived through a Nazi regime, they would reflect on the absurdity of such a statement.

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“As I said, the legislation will not be in place for one minute longer than the medical and scientific advice suggests that it is needed.”.

The DUP meanwhile have opposed vaccine passports, and – after the debate on Monday wasabruptly abandoned “for legal reasons”– the matter is due to come to a head this afternoon at Stormont.

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